PinnedComprehensive Guide to Neural Networks: Understanding, Building, and Applying Deep Learning ModelsA couple of days ago I decided to make a review on the matter of #DeepLearning and I was going through my notes. I came up with the idea to…Nov 11, 2023Nov 11, 2023
PinnedDeploying a Streamlit Application to Render (as an alternative to Heroku)The announcement of the discontinuation of the Free Tier plans on Heroku (starting November 28th) shacked the dev community.Nov 7, 20221Nov 7, 20221
PinnedData Engineering for Streaming Data on GCPIn this post I’ll give a very short explanation on how a data stream pipeline looks like on GCP.Sep 28, 2022Sep 28, 2022
PinnedHow Generative AI (ChatGPT and Bard) is Changing the Financial Market.In recent years, generative AI has emerged as a powerful tool for creating realistic and compelling images, videos, and even music. But did…May 13, 2023May 13, 2023
Microservices: A “Short” ReviewWhen a services or digital product grows in scale, number of features or user base, it gets more and more difficult to maintain when using…Oct 10, 2022Oct 10, 2022
The (Google Cloud) Machine Learning WorkflowIn a traditional computational algorithm, the program we build executes it’s tasks according to specific and exclusive instructions it was…Oct 6, 2022Oct 6, 2022
Como Resolver o Erro “The following signatures couldn’t be verified” no UbuntuCom certeza já tiveste, mais de uma vez, que fazer algum tipo de update no teu sistema e ti deste de frente com algum tipo de erro. Muitas…Aug 17, 2022Aug 17, 2022
K-nearest neighbors (K-esimo Vizinho mais próximo) em pythonO k-nearest neighbors é um algoritmo usado para problemas tanto de regressão assim como para problemas de classificação.Mar 12, 2021Mar 12, 2021